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Why is Pluto not a planet anymore?

Video Quiz

This video aims to expand students´ vocabulary about the history of Pluto and explains why it is not a planet anymore. Please, watch the video and answer the questions in the order in which they appear.

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Why is Pluto not a planet anymore?Versión en línea

This video aims to expand students´ vocabulary about the history of Pluto and explains why it is not a planet anymore. Please, watch the video and answer the questions in the order in which they appear.


Up until the year 2005, which one was the smallest planet in our solar system?


Until what year did the science books teach us that there were nine planets?

Select one or more answers


What is a celestial body?


In what year was Pluto discovered and what was the name of the astronomer who discovered it?


What happened in a warm day on August 2006?


What are the three essential criteria that a celestial body needs to fulfill to be A PLANET?


Which one is the criterion that Pluto did not meet?


What is a Dwarf Planet?


After being on Team Planet, Pluto was moved to another team. What is the name of this new team?


What was the name of the little girl who suggested the name Pluto in 1930?


What is hidden under Pluto´s icy surface?

Select one or more answers


A lot of us grew up reading about the old nine planets. But later, Pluto was delisted from its status.

Look at the picture of the commonly known planetary system up until 2005. Then compare it to the other picture of our new planetary system.

Look at the picture of the commonly known planetary system up until 2005. Then compare it to the other picture of our new planetary system.

Look at the picture of the commonly known planetary system up until 2005. Then compare it to the other picture of our new planetary system.

Pluto was declared as NOT A PLANET and downgraded to a Dwarf Planet because it did not meet the three required criteria to be called a PLANET.

Pluto was declared as NOT A PLANET and downgraded to a Dwarf Planet because it did not meet the three required criteria to be called a PLANET.

Pluto was declared as NOT A PLANET and downgraded to a Dwarf Planet because it did not meet the three required criteria to be called a PLANET.

Pluto was declared as NOT A PLANET and downgraded to a Dwarf Planet because it did not meet the three required criteria to be called a PLANET.

Pluto was declared as NOT A PLANET and downgraded to a Dwarf Planet because it did not meet the three required criteria to be called a PLANET.

She was eleven years old at that time.

She was eleven years old at that time.

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