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Ethics vocabulary

Video Quiz

A set of videos to work with vocabulary building

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Ethics vocabulary Versión en línea

A set of videos to work with vocabulary building

por Daniela Quevedo

The police man in this example is

Select one or more answers


What type of corruption is to take a bribe?


If governments do this, they lose all of their


Corruption is worldwide because humans are


Magic is...


What do our mind do to us everyday?


Describe what your company do to be more fair and ethical (include terms related to generosity, discrimination and prejudice)

Written answer


We generally use corrupt for people and corrupted to modify a general noun.

To bribe is the infinitive verb that conveys commiting bribery: dishonestly persuation to make someone act in one's favour. Ex.: "Janna, the eldest sister told Tommy to give her his dessert so she would help him with the homework. She totally bribed him!"

Credibility is the quality while credible is the person or thing that has such quality.

To be greedy is to be controlled by greed. Funfact: greed is one of the seven deadly sins as well as pride, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth.

Deception is the act of treaking someone's perception. Magic is deceptive because it has such quality.

Deception is the act of treaking someone's perception. Magic is deceptive because it has such quality.

There is no correct option, just your description.

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