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Fitness Quiz

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How much do you know about fitness and the benefits of physical activity?

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Fitness QuizVersión en línea

How much do you know about fitness and the benefits of physical activity?

por Jennie Glass

By jumping around, I can increase my ___________ rate.

Written answer


Jumping requires us to use our pectoral muscles


To safely stretch, you should bounce up and down as fast as possible


Playing video games is good for your heart


Hot weather can make your muscles more flexible


Higher altitude can increase the oxygen flow to your muscles


You can increase your total lung capacity (how much oxygen your lungs hold) through exercise over time


When the body exercises it causes the lungs to breath faster and the heart to pump blood faster


The ability to lift or resist weight is called

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The ability of your joints and muscles to move in their full range of motion is called

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The ratio between the amount of muscle on your body to the amount of fat on your body is called body composition


Fat cells in our body

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Doing push ups involves more

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Check all of the benefits of exercise below

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We may SLIGHTLY use our pectoral muscles, but jumping is very heavy on our LEG muscles, like the quads, hamstrings and calves.

No, you should slowly warm up your muscles.

Some people argue that there are physical benefits to playing video games, but they generally don't get your heart rate up enough to be good for your heart.

Warm muscles are more flexible!

There is less oxygen at higher altitudes, so it's harder for muscles to get the oxygen they need.

True! You can balance this ration by balancing your intake of food (and eating healthy) and how you burn those calories (or fat). So it's OK to eat a sweet treat every now and then, but balance it with more exercise.

Though the primary function of fat cells is to store energy, all of these are true

Over time, push ups could increase our muscular endurance, but they are primarily a strength building exercise.

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