few
years
ago
,
a
parenting
magazine
asked
me
to
write
an
article
about
the
that
children
face
when
they
go
online
.
As
it
turns
out
,
was
the
wrong
author
for
the
article
they
had
in
mind
.
The
editor
was
deeply
by
my
initial
draft
.
Its
chief
message
was
this
:
?
Sure
,
there
are
.
But
they're
hugely
overhyped
by
the
.
The
tales
of
pedophiles
luring
children
out
of
their
homes
are
like
plane
crashes
:
they
happen
extremely
rarely
,
but
when
they
do
,
they
make
headlines
everywhere
.
The
Internet
is
just
another
facet
of
socialization
for
the
new
generation
;
as
always
,
common
sense
and
a
level
head
are
the
best
.
?
My
editor
,
however
,
was
looking
for
something
more
sensational
.
He
asked
,
for
example
,
if
could
dig
up
an
opening
anecdote
about
,
say
,
an
eight
-
year
-
old
getting
killed
by
a
chat
-
room
stalker
.
But
after
days
of
research
?
and
yes
,
actually
looked
at
the
Google
results
past
the
first
page
?
could
not
find
a
single
example
of
a
preteen
getting
and
by
an
Internet
predator
.
So
the
editor
sent
me
the
contact
for
several
parents
of
young
children
with
Internet
horror
,
and
suggested
that
interview
them
.
One
woman
,
for
example
,
told
me
that
she
became
when
her
eight
-
year
-
old
stumbled
onto
a
pornographic
photo
.
She
told
me
that
she
literally
dove
for
the
computer
,
crashing
over
a
chair
,
yanking
out
the
power
cord
and
then
her
daughter
outside
.
You
know
what
?
think
that
far
more
damage
was
done
to
that
child
by
her
mother's
reaction
than
by
the
dirty
picture
.
See
,
almost
the
same
thing
happened
at
our
house
.
When
my
son
was
years
old
,
he
was
Googling
?
The
Incredibles
?
on
the
that
we
keep
in
the
kitchen
.
At
some
point
,
he
pulled
up
a
doctored
picture
of
the
Incredibles
family
,
showing
them
naked
.
?
What
?
on
?
earth
?
?
he
said
in
surprise
.
walked
over
,
saw
what
was
going
on
,
and
closed
the
window
.
?
Yeah
,
know
,
?
told
him
.
?
Some
people
like
of
naked
people
.
The
Internet
is
full
of
all
kinds
of
things
.
?
And
life
went
on
.
My
thinking
was
this
:
a
seven
-
year
-
old
is
so
far
from
,
naked
pictures
don't
yet
have
any
of
the
that
we
adults
associate
with
them
.
Sex
has
no
meaning
yet
;
the
concept
produces
no
emotional
charge
one
way
or
another
.
Today
,
not
only
is
my
son
utterly
unscarred
by
the
event
,
I'm
quite
he
has
no
memory
of
it
whatsoever
.
Now
,
realize
that
not
everybody
shares
my
nonchalance
.
And
again
,
it's
not
hard
to
find
scattered
anecdotes
about
things
that
happen
online
.