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"Must see in Mexico"

Video Quiz

Serg and Montana (Tana) are two Americans living in Queretaro, Mexico. In this video, Serg makes a list of "Top 5 destinations you must see in Mexico", using superlative adjectives. Answer the comprehension questions about the video.

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"Must see in Mexico"Versión en línea

Serg and Montana (Tana) are two Americans living in Queretaro, Mexico. In this video, Serg makes a list of "Top 5 destinations you must see in Mexico", using superlative adjectives. Answer the comprehension questions about the video.

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Serg ranks Queretaro as...


What does Serg think about Queretaro?


Serg thinks that Queretaro has...


Serg ranks Mexico City as...


Serg compares Condesa and Roma with


Serg thinks that Mexico has


Serg ranks San Miguel de Allende as...


Serg thinks that San Miguel de Allende


What does Serg like to do in San Miguel de Allende?


Serg ranks Taxco as


What does Serg thinks about Taxco?


Serg says that Taxco usually


Serg ranks La Huasteca Potosina as...


What does Serg likes the most about La Huasteca Potosina?


Serge explains that they live in Queretera and that they want to live there.

Serg explains that the city is safe and clean. It has lots of culture and is a convenient location because it is in Central Mexico. So you can make 3 hour trips to visit other places around.

Serg explains that you can find the same amenities of larger cities, like cinemas, coffee shops, grocery stores. But you don't find the problems of larger cities, like congestions or a city that is not well-run.

Serg explains that Queretaro is the coolest place in Mexico.

Serg says that Condesa and Roma are cool neighborhoods that are similiar to London or New York.

Serg explains that Mexico City has kids from all around the country pursuing artistic or entrepreneurship careers who give the city a very young vibe.

Serg ranks San Miguel de Allende as the most romantic place.

Serg thinks it was the best place to propose marriage to Montana.

Serg thinks it is romantic to sit in the main square and listen to mariachi.

Serg ranks Taxco as the best pueblo mágico.

Serg explains that Taxco is a beautiful place. He likes that it is a white town, tucked in a mountain, surrounded by nature, in a rural area.

Serg says that Taxco is always in the lists of Top 3 Best Pueblos Mágicos.

Serg ranks La Huasteca Potosina as the best nature in the country.

He likes the jungle, the waterfalls, the crystaline water.

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