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Adjectives of personality

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In this section you will discover the adjectives necessary to describe the personality of people.

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Adjectives of personality Versión en línea

In this section you will discover the adjectives necessary to describe the personality of people.

por dayana escobar

What is the meaning of the adjective bold?

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What is the behavior of an arrogant person?

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What is the correct definition of being a decent person?

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What is the synonym of pathetic?

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What is Ellen like?

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How do you describe a humble person?

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What is the attitude of an intense person?

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How do you describe someone who doesn't want to work to do something?

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Is the adjective witty used to describe the person who uses the words in a clever and funny way?

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What are the characteristics of the alluring personality?

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Not be afraid something which involve risk or danger.

The behavior of an arrogant person is unpleasant, the arrogant person believes he is more important than others.

It is being an honest, empathetic and responsible person who does not commit illegal or seriously reprehensible actions.

It refers to who is weak, useless or unsuccessful.

It is being an honest, empathetic and responsible person who does not commit illegal or seriously reprehensible actions.

Not proud, not arrogant or not believing that he or she special or very important.

Overly serious, and showing their emotions in a very extreme way.

Lazy is the person who doesn´t wat to work or make any effort to do something.

Powerfully and mysteriously attractive and seductive.

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