Video Quiz
The use of had been in the past perfect continuous is a fundamental piece to correctly elaborate the structure of the sentence. In this video we will see how to correctly use the Past Perfect Progressive or Continuous in its 3 forms: affirmative, negative and interrogative.
The Past Perfect Continuous or Progressive is used to talk about an activity or action that had been being performed by someone. It is a finished action, but it had its time lapse in the past.
The Past Perfect Continuous or Progressive is used to talk about an activity or action that had been being performed by someone. It is a finished action, but it had its time lapse in the past.
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Edad recomendada: 17 años
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partes de una planta
silvia de la galaPerúla partes de una planta son: tallo que sostiene a la planta, la raiz que absorve el agua y las sales minerales, las hojas que realiza la funcion de la fotosintesis y la flor -
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Belém AragónEspañaEsta actividad trata de completar un texto sencillo en inglés. Esta actividad esta dirigida para alumnos de 3º de la ESO