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Ecuador's Independence

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Know the historical facts that led to the Independence of Ecuador.

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Ecuador's IndependenceVersión en línea

Know the historical facts that led to the Independence of Ecuador.


establishing August festivities 10 rebellion Quito enraged cultural Pichincha Napoleon group furious 1808 Juntas Spain Independence Ecuador's pride actions functions

During the month of August , the streets of Quito come alive with color , music , concerts , parades , exhibitions and . It is all in celebration of Quito's Day that falls on 10 August . The Spanish were and those who were loyal to King Ferdinand , he was who united the Spanish kingdoms into the nation of Spain . They were by Napoleon's because gave the King's title to his brother , Joseph , which set the stage for a revolt . Therefore , this action was the factor in this , when King Ferdinand VII of was removed from his throne in by after he invaded Spain . Local were quickly set up by the Spanish and in Quito a few citizens followed the lead of the Spanish by their own Junta . ( Local Juntas are made up of a of people who are in charge of executive like : Executive Power , the Legislative Power , the Judicial Power and the Armed Forces ) .
On 1809 , the rebels of Quito took power over Quito and displaced the representatives of Joseph Bonaparte . Independence was not easily won , with many battles that followed , including the historical Battle of just outside Quito . But the actions that took place in on 10 August 1809 were the foundation on which the fight for independence was formed . It is a day that has remained in the hearts of every citizen of Quito with .

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