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Film Vocabulary

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Film VocabularyVersión en línea

Complete the sentences.

por Ana Bettio

review script subtitles audience plot star sequel extras special soundtrack scene effects cast

1 - The of the film was a famous British actress .
2 - I didn't understand the film because the was very complicated .
3 - The actor accepted the part as soon as he had read the .
4 - Some members of the were crying at the end of the film .
5 - Most critics have given the film an excellent .
6 - They only had to shoot the once .
7 - We don't speak French , so we saw the French film with English .
8 - You'll have to wait for the to find out what happens next .
9 - My favourite is the music from The Artist .
10 - The best thing about the film was the . They looked very realistic .
11 - The director is looking for to act in the crowd scenes .
12 - The was a mixture of British and American actors .

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