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Blind people

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My students from MS 3, this activity gives you the opportunity to practice vocabulary and grammar through a text you had during Unit 5.

Have fun!

Teacher Lene ?

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Edad recomendada: 12 años
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Blind peopleVersión en línea

My students from MS 3, this activity gives you the opportunity to practice vocabulary and grammar through a text you had during Unit 5. Have fun! Teacher Lene ?

por Lene de Castro

who read teenager senses blind idea Blind young sight night used that Braille electronic sense so

people have restricted or no . They depend on their other in order to live independently .
They use their of touch to Braille . A form of Braille was by Napoleon´s soldiers they could communicate silently at .
However , it was a French named Louis Braille developed the so people could use it .
These days , people prefer using screen readers so that they don´t have to use .

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