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Amazing Natural Wonders

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Amazing Natural Wonders Versión en línea

Fill the blanks,

por Elsa Lisseth Chávez Orellana

____________geyser____________ ______walkways __________________waterfalls______ ______________________springs__ _______________crater_________ ____ocean _____________field ____________health____________ __rock______________________ _________coast_______________ ________________desert________ _________icebergs_______________ _________lakes_________ ___pond

? once the Roman equivalent of a spa , the spectacular rock formations below the ancient city of Hierapolis form .

formed due to mineral , rich water from ancient hot spilling down the hillsides for millennia .

? you will find the world's largest salt flat , which is formed as a result of transformations between several prehistoric . ______

These colorful and whimsical formations standing horseshoe shaped amphitheaters along the eastern edge of the . _____________________

? sitting on the edge of the Oregon is what appears to be a gaping sinkhole that never seems to fill despite the unbroken of ?
The well is actually a hole in the that only appears to drain water from the . ____________________

number 6 , the door to hell , Turkmenistan the door to hell is a natural gas . ___________

? the which is 69 meters wide and 30 meters .

Fill the gap : Number five , striped Antarctica .

Fill the gap : ? geological structure combined with long - term conditions ,

? which tumble into each other through a series of and cascades .
The lakes can be explored via ,

Interestingly , this isn't entirely natural , but it was formed by accident .
the sinkhole originally formed as a limestone _____________cave___________ during the last glacial period a time when sea levels were much lower as the ?

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