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Tips on how to carry out an or

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Identify tips on how to carry out an oral presentation successfully regarding time management, voice projection, body language, visual presentation tools, attention getters and dress code.

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Tips on how to carry out an orVersión en línea

Identify tips on how to carry out an oral presentation successfully regarding time management, voice projection, body language, visual presentation tools, attention getters and dress code.

por Natalia Bellido Salas

wonderful problem appropriately attention presentation short welcome voice oral slide eye help information class tips should

A : Laura I have an presentation next week in my English . Can you help me ?
B : Sure , no . How can I you ?
A : Well , I don't know anything about how to make a .
B : Ok . First , you need to have a good getter . Then , it is important that you make a presentation . It should be and concise . Do not include a lot of .
A : Great ! What about for the presentation ?
B : Ok , you work on your projection , dress up and make contact with the audience .
A : Great ! Those tips are . Thanks for your help .
B : You´re !

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