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por Hai Ha Vu

1 .

PETER : Wow ! There's a new horror film on tomorrow . Do you want to come to the cinema with me ?
JEFF : No , I hate horror films .

2 .

JACK : What's wrong ?
AMANDA : I'm really fed up with for Peter . He is always so late !

3 .

SALLY : Do you like to the cinema ?
CHLOE : It's okay , but I really enjoy at home and DVDs .

4 .

RICK : What do you want to be when you're older ?
PETER : I dream of a famous actor .

5 .

SIMON : I really love action films with Harrison Ford .
JACK : Why ? What's so special about Harrison Ford ?
SIMON : He's really good at brave and interesting characters .

6 .

MARY : That was a really terrible book . Can you explain the story to me ?
AMANDA : Sorry , I can't . I gave up about ten minutes .

7 .

MARY : Bye , John . Thank you for the lovely dinner .
JOHN : You are welcome . We are looking forward to you next week .

8 .

DAVID : up late is not good for your health . You should go to bed soon .
LIAM : But I like computer games at night .

9 .

I was surprised by Mark's a high score . He never got such a high score .

10 .

You cannot write very well in English . You need to work more on your . What I suggest is letters and essays in English more often from now on .

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