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New words from episode 1

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GF S1 E1 (1)Versión en línea

New words from episode 1

por Елена Елисеева

hammer romance Not getting Mock Come up work put Look gosh quit weird fleeing attic leisure getting great house it uncle's boring

Ah , summer break . . .
- You want cheese on that hon ?
- Sure , Hank .

A time for , recreation , and takin' 'er easy . . . Unless you're me .

- Aaaah ! ! !
- It's closer !

My name is Dipper . The girl about to puke is my sister Mabel . You may be wondering what we're doing in a golf cart from a creature
of unimaginable horror .
- out !
Rest assured , there's a perfectly logical explanation .

Let's rewind . It all began when our parents decided we could use some fresh air . They shipped us up north to a sleepy town called Gravity Falls , Oregon , to stay at our great - place in the woods .

- This is amazing ! Check out all my splinters !
- Baaa !
- And there's a goat on my bed .
- Hey , friend . Oh ! Yes , you can keep chewing on my sweater . Ha ha ha ha ha !

My sister tended to look on the bright side of things .

- Yay ! Grass !

But I was having a hard time used to our new surroundings .

And then was our - uncle Stan . . . that guy .

- Aha ha ha ha . . . It was worth it .

Our uncle had transformed his into a tourist trap he called the Mystery Shack . The real mystery was why anyone came .

- Ladies and gentlemen , behold . . . Sascrotch .

And guess who had to there . Oh !

- No touching the merchandise !

It looked like it was gonna be the same routine all summer , until one fateful day . . .

- He's looking at it . He's looking at it !
- Uh . . . " Do you like me ? Yes . Definitely . Absolutely " ?
- I rigged it !

- Mabel , I know you're going through your whole " boy crazy " phase , - but I think you're kind of overdoing it with the " crazy " part .
- What ? ! on , Dipper ! This is our first summer away from home . It's my big chance to have an epic summer .
- Yeah , but do you need to flirt with every guy you meet ?

- My name is Mabel , but you can call me the girl of your dreams . I'm joking ! Ha ha ha ha !

- Oh , my , you like turtles ? I like turtles too . What is happening here ?

- Come one , come all , to the mattress prince's kingdom of savings !
- Take me with you .
- Aaah !

- all you want , brother , but I got a good feeling about this summer . I wouldn't be surprised if the man of my dreams walked through that door
right now .
- Oh ! Oh ! Not good . Ow .
- Oh , why ? !
- Ha ha ha !
- All right , look alive , people . I need someone to go these signs in the spooky part of the forest .
- Not it !
- !
- Uh , also not it .
- Nobody asked you , Soos .
- I know , and I'm comfortable with that .
- Wendy ! I need you to up this sign !
- I would , but I . . . uhh . . . can't . . . uhh . . . reach it .
- I'd fire all of you if I could . All right , let's make it eeny - meeny - miney . . . You .
- Oh ! What ? Grunkle Stan , whenever I'm in those woods I feel like I'm being watched .
- Ahh , this again .
- I'm telling you , Something is going on in this town . Just today my mosquito bites spelled out " beware . "
- That says " bewarb . " Look , kid , the whole " monsters in the forest " thing is just local legend drummed up by guys like me to sell merch to guys like that . So being so paranoid !

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