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Useful phrases

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Useful phrasesVersión en línea

Fill in the spaces with the most appropriate grammar or vocabulary.

por María Fernanda López Avilez

Are you fan fan into not into about not really into a huge of her into into not

1 . Are sports ? Not really , I'm more dancing .

2 . What kind of music do you like ? I'm big of Rap music .

3 . you art ? Definitely ! I'm a of Claude Monet .

4 . You know she's really TV shows , so let's watch something else !

5 . Would you like to watch Spiderman ? Not really . I'm much a fan of Marvel movies .

6 . Are you soccer ? Well , it's my thing , but I sure can watch a match !

7 . Do you listen to Taylor Swift ? Absolutely ! I'm crazy music !

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