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Wide Angle 3 Unit 8 Review

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Wide Angle 3 Unit 8 ReviewVersión en línea


por Guadalupe Soto Reyes

spicy eat bake raw salty sour out

Complete the text .

My son is a really fussy eater . That means that there are not many things he likes to eat . We don't often because there are very few restaurants that he likes . He doesn't like Mexican food because they use chili , and that's too . He doesn't like Chinese food because they use soy sauce and that's too . He doesn't like French food because they use vinaigrette and that's too . He doesn't like Japanese food because they eat fish and that's just disgusting !

So what does he like ? Well , pizza and pasta . But not pizza that I myself - no , it has to be from the Italian restaurant down the road .

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