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How to use a microwave

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How to use a microwaveVersión en línea

Fill in the words to describe the process of using a microwave

por Agnieszka Dankowska

pierce splattering cookware thawing conventional evenly ground outward distribution manner ensure

Cooking in a microwave oven is unlike any kind of cooking . You must follow a different set of microwave - specific cooking rules . Although you can't microwave every kind of food , your microwave oven can be a useful cooking tool .
Microwaving has some rules :
? Don't use traditional metal in your microwave . Microwaves can't pass through metal , so you can't cook with traditional metal cookware .
? Don't try recipes that require a lot of water , such as pasta , in a microwave . They don't cook well in a microwave and will probably cook in less time on your stovetop .
? Arrange foods so that they cook . Face the thickest parts , like broccoli stalks , toward the oven walls . Arrange foods of the same size and shape , such as potatoes , in a circle or square with space between them and no item in the center .
? Cover dishes . A cover eliminates , and it also cuts down on cooking time .
? Frequently stir , turn , and rotate foods . This ensures an even of heat .
? Cut foods into small pieces , if possible . Small pieces cook more quickly than large ones .
? Before cooking , use a fork to foods that have skins , such as potatoes , hot dogs , and sausages . Piercing allows steam to escape that could otherwise lead to sudden popping and splattering .
? Be sure to use the defrost power setting ( 30 to 40 percent of full power ) when food . Doing so will that the foods defrosts in a slow and even . Turn and rotate the food every so often also helps as you defrost .

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