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To be with you

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listen and fill in the words to the songs.

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Edad recomendada: 12 años
1 veces realizada

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To be with you

listen and fill in the words to the songs.

Joel Aguar

I'm fall to past summer To after day waiting week July going February to wait be Right year It´s September going December with April to In month

To Be With you
Any day , any , any month , any , I'm wait right here to be with you .
the spring , in the , in the winter , or the , just call .
I'm here to be with you .
to wait from January , , March ,
, May , June and , August , , October ,
And November , and all of . I'm going to wait ?
one o'clock , a quarter . It's half one , a quarter
two . And I'm going right here to be with you .
Any , any week , any , any year , I'm going to wait
here to be you .
Yes , I'm going to wait right here with you .