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Practice 4 Course 7

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Course 7 How to Take Action Against Global Warming of the NGO Arca Tierrawww.ongarcatierra.org

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Edad recomendada: 17 años
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Practice 4 Course 7

Course 7 How to Take Action Against Global Warming of the NGO Arca Tierrawww.ongarcatierra.org

ONG Arca Tierra

Partners Work Regional Sponsors Team global warming

The strategic planning of the NGO Arca Tierra in the face of is carried out from the main office in Santiago , Chile

are those people who support the opening of an office of the NGO Arca Tierra in their continent .

The of the NGO Arca Tierra give a monthly donation to help the planet or a particular region and receive benefits in return .

A of the NGO Arca Tierra is a group of volunteers who carry out certain activities or a project to benefit their region with sustainable development and help solve climate change .