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Present & Past Participle

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Fill in the spaces with the correct form of 'present and past participle' as adjectives.

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Edad recomendada: 14 años
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Present & Past Participle Versión en línea

Fill in the spaces with the correct form of 'present and past participle' as adjectives.

por María Fernanda López Avilez

fascinating interested disappointed boring terrifying shocked exciting excited disappointing terrified shocking bored interesting disgusting absorbed absorbing disgusted fascinated

1 . I think the movie 'Iron Man' was truly ( interest ) , but my friend didn't seem too much in it ( interest ) .

2 . I was ( excite ) to see the new TV Show , but it turned out not to be as ( excite ) as I expected .

3 . My friends were ( absorbe ) by the thriller movie , but I think it wasn't that ( absorbe ) ; it was rather ( bore ) . I mean , I was ( bore ) from the beginning to end !

4 . Yesterday , I watched a truly ( terrify ) movie called 'IT' with my sister , but she wasn't ( terrify ) at all ! She was by it ! ( fascinate ) . I don't think the movie was ( fascinate ) at all !

5 . I'm truly ( disappoint ) by the movie 'Titanic' . It had a truly ( disappoint ) ending !

6 . The movie 'REC' is extremely ( disgust ) . I was truly ( disgust ) and ( shock ) from the very beginning ! Really , the whole realism thing was ( shock ) !

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