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Complete the sentences with a form of SAY, TELL, SPEAK, or TALK, and a word or phrase from the box.

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Completar frases

CommunicationVersión en línea

Complete the sentences with a form of SAY, TELL, SPEAK, or TALK, and a word or phrase from the box.

por Teresa Velasquez

speak talk thanks sorry to great told German a say tell boss told joke secret a my

1 . I'm calling to for helping me with my work yesterday .
2 . I Jan yesterday . That was a mistake - now everyone knows it !
3 . I'm having some problems at work , so I need to .
4 . Simon me this morning - it was so funny !
5 . I want to learn to , so I'm going to take a course at a language school .
6 . You were so rude to your brother . I think you should him you're .

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