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Read and complete the following conversation.

Ma. Guadalupe Torres Pelcastre

go plan say promise leave forget be get have live want move buy want find love

Susan : Charles and I decided to back to Brazil .
Wendy : Really ? I though you liked to in France .
Susan : Yes , but we miss seeing our families and we'd like to our own house . We could never afford to a place in Paris .
Wendy : When are you planning to ?
Susan : Well , we don't to wait too long , so we expect to some time in the next couple of months . I've already managed to a job , and Charles is hoping to one soon .
Wendy : It won't the same here without you . Do you to stay in touch ?
Susan : Yes , of course . And if you and Dan feel like coming to Brazil on vacation , you'd be very welcome at our home in Rio .
Wendy : That sounds great . Don't to give me your mail address before you go .
Susan : Don't worry , I won't . We're trying to a party before we go so that we can goodbye to everyone . Do you to come ?
Wendy : I hate saying goodbye to people , but yes , I'd to come !