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AMC May. U11

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AMC May. U11

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AMC May. U11

por Clara Chen

afford sprung outright up embarrassment enlighten9 boost persist practices taxes subject hurdle applauded

Women all over the UK celebrated at the beginning of 2021 after the British government became the latest country to strike down all on period products . These goods , which include tampons and sanitary pads , were previously taxed at a 5% rate under European Union guidelines , as they were considered " non - essential items . " Now that the UK is no longer to EU rules after Brexit , the nation has been able to scrap the tax as part of its 2021 budget . The UK joins 15 other nations from every continent in removing this to citizens' access to these indispensable products .
Activists the move , proclaiming that the end of the " tampon tax " is a crucial step in the movement to end sexist around menstruation . Numerous movements with this aim have around the world , encouraging governments to abolish taxes on period products and provide them to students and low - income families for free . Such actions would significantly the quality of life for people who menstruate : the UK's Red Box Project estimates that one in ten girls can't period products in the UK , and nearly 140 , 000 children there have missed school due to period poverty . The need for help is even more urgent in developing countries .
Timely though this move is , products are not the only issue at hand . Stigma and surrounding menstruation often make it difficult for girls to ask for products when they need them . Outdated and harmful beliefs also in some cultures , such as that a menstruating woman walking through a garden can kill crops , or that women and girls should stay isolated for the duration of their period . Many non - governmental organizations around the world are working to people of every gender about menstruation , as well as continuously pushing other countries to drop the tampon tax .

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