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I need some help.

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I need some help. Versión en línea

Complete the conversation with the given words.

por MaNuel Btz

give interviewed some advice a it

Jin - ho - - I've for six jobs in the past couple of weeks , and I still haven't been hired .
- - - - - - - - - I really need some help .

Jenn - - - Maybe you should get somewhere . I don't know if you're familiar with
- - - - - - - - - the Job Resource Center , but they can you tips on how to interview better .

Jin - ho - - I think I have heard of it . Is on Maple Street , near the park ?

Jenn - - - Yeah , it is . When I was looking for job last year , I met with a career counselor there .

Jin - ho - - Really I didn't know you had help finding your job .

Jenn - - - Oh , yeah . I never would have gotten the job I have right now without their help . The
- - - - - - - - - best part was that they gave me a lot of help with things like writing my résumé and
- - - - - - - - - improving my interview skills .

Jin - ho - - Well , I really need to get a job soon , so I'd better check out the Job Resource Center today !

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