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Archie's sweet shop

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Edad recomendada: 9 años
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Archie's sweet shopVersión en línea

Read the sentences and complete.

por Euge Pasayo

beedroom buys has kitchen He is lives brother goes dirty sign bored lollipops apples family idea shop recipe coins nine

1 . Archie is years old .
2 . He in a house with his .
3 . Archie got a . His name is Richard .
4 . One evening , Archie very at home .
5 . Archie picks a book .
6 . has got an excellent !
7 . He runs to his and takes his .
8 . Then , he to the shop and some ingredients .
9 . He makes and toffee .
10 . He puts a in the garage and opens his sweet .
11 . Then , Archie cleans the because it is very .

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