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no copiarse del libro esta en su conciencia si se copia hay alguien que todo lo ve JAJAJAAJJ

sebastian sopo gomez

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recent survey published colombia by DANE ( the official authority statistics ) emphasized that the most common bad behaviour in colombian citicenz disrespect for the rules in social context . 87% people stated that they broken rules least once their life and 63% of them admitted that they usually break them . In some latin american countries , forming a queue to get into concert , buy tickets an event or simply to getonto bus is considered a fundamental social rule that you connot break . On contrary , in colombia , we consider forming a queue is a ridiculous thing do and we take any opportunity we cant move few places towards the front . Additionally , we love to break basic traffic rules like obeying traffic lights or using pedestrian bridges cross roads . we cant follow mos basic social rules , will we ever considered a country good citizen s