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Procesamiento visual

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Enfrentarás un esquema del procesamiento visual que implica las fases involucradas desde que un objeto es percibido hasta que es procesado por el cerebro. Por lo tanto, deberas identificar diversas estructuras mencionadas en los enunciados.

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Edad recomendada: 15 años
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Procesamiento visualVersión en línea

Enfrentarás un esquema del procesamiento visual que implica las fases involucradas desde que un objeto es percibido hasta que es procesado por el cerebro. Por lo tanto, deberas identificar diversas estructuras mencionadas en los enunciados.

por Maria Paz Cerl
1 The visual image process begins with the entry of light to (1) EYEBALL 2 (2)LUMINOUS RAYS come from the observed object 3 The luminous rays are focused by the (3) CORNEA 4 The luminous rays then cross the (4) AQUEOUS HUMOR 5 The luminous rays converge in the (5) LENS 6 Then, are projected through the (6) VITREOUS HUMOR to the retina, structure where the observed image is focused 7 The contraction and dilation of the (7) IRIS MUSCLES allows the regulation of the pupil 8 The (8) PUPIL setting helps to maintain a proper exposure the retina to the light. 9 To accommodate the len, enable the luminous rays are projected on the (9) RETINA 10 The (10) FOCUSED PICTURE on the retina is inverted. 11 The nerve messages leave the retina by the (11) OPTIC NERVE 12 The visual information received by the retina is processed by the (12) LATERAL GENICULATE NUCLEUS 13 Finally, visual information reaches the (13) AREA OCCIPITAL of the cerebral cortex where they are processed and analyzed.
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