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Wide Angle 3 Unit 6.1

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Wide Angle 3 Unit 6.1Versión en línea

Listening for specific information

por Guadalupe Soto Reyes

78 1918 dangerous 25 million first 100 quickly original eye 9 30 194 million minutes million 267 137 12

The Smithsonian's Strangest Flying Object

In the early 1980 , curators at the Smithsonian Institution realized that they had no idea how many objects they had . So museum curators began to count everything they had in all of their museums . But what they thought to be around objects turned to be over when the " Great Count " was finished . Today , the Smithsonian is home to over objects . Some of these objects are impressive and some of them are a little strange .

The National Air and Space Museum holds a collection over , 000 aviation and , 000 space objects . The highlights of the collection include famous objects such as the 1903 Wright Flyer , the world's airplane , and aircraft from both World Wars .

But less known , perhaps , is the Smithsonian smaller , feathered flying aircraft , Cher Ami . Cher Ami was a carrier pigeon who flew missions during the First World War . Pigeons played an important role in the war , carrying messages through territory .

On his last flight in , Cher Ami is said to have saved lives with his heroic service . He arrived , injured , with just one , but he'd managed to carry a very important message miles in just 25 . Today his stuffed body has a special place among Smithsonian treasures .

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