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Receivables: Missing Words

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Fill the blanks by clicking on the words on the right-hand side. Remember you need to start with the first sentence and work your way down in order, as when you click a word it will automatically go to the next available gap.

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Edad recomendada: 21 años
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Receivables: Missing WordsVersión en línea

Fill the blanks by clicking on the words on the right-hand side. Remember you need to start with the first sentence and work your way down in order, as when you click a word it will automatically go to the next available gap.

por Marietta Chela

come averaging terms booked enforcing services penalties used measures

1 . Roughly 80% of our revenues from our top 20 customers .
2 . We provide a variety of payment to our customers , typically between 14 and 30 day net .
3 . Some consulting are invoiced in advance .
4 . Revenues are as sales only after invoicing in such cases .
5 . Over the past 3 years our receivables have been approximately ? 300 , 000 per month .
6 . Customers pay before any interest are levied .
7 . We intend to combat this trend by interest penalty terms strictly .
8 . This tactic is by larger customers .
9 . We have a plan that calls for more aggressive .

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