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What is a kiwi?

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What is a kiwi?Versión en línea

Fill in the blanks with the correct word

por Cally Moh

them flightless a since in like wings look but have wars fly easy Zealanders three bird well no

What is kiwi ? In the beginning , kiwi was the Maori word for a native bird . However , over
time , the word kiwi has come to two other quite different meanings .
First , let's look at kiwi the . The kiwi is about the size of a chicken . It is brown , has long
legs , very small wings and it can't fly . Kiwi come out at night to for food and they sleep
in the day . When Maori first arrived in New Zealand about 800 years ago , kiwi were
everywhere . In fact , there were many kinds of birds that couldn't fly throughout the
country . Why were there so many birds that couldn't ? The answer is that before people
came to New Zealand there were land animals at all . This meant that the birds had no
enemies so they didn't need to fly and therefore they lost the use of their . It was bad
news for kiwi and other birds when people and their animals started to arrive in
New Zealand because the birds were to catch and they were very good to eat .
The second meaning of kiwi is the people of New Zealand . New are called Kiwis
both at home and overseas . You can say , " She's a Kiwi . Do you like Kiwi food ? That's the
Kiwi Prime Minister . " The word Kiwi was first used in the army by New Zealand soldiers
fighting in overseas . The name seems to have started in the early 1900s . The Oxford
English Dictionary first included the word in 1918 .
The third meaning of kiwi is kiwifruit , often shortened to just ? kiwi' overseas . There are
several varieties of kiwifruit the most common one is about the size of a very large egg .
It has a rough brown skin and a soft green sweet centre . Kiwifruit is a native of northern
China and was brought to New Zealand 1904 by a visiting school teacher . At first it was
called Chinese Gooseberry . The fruit grew very in New Zealand and when it began to be
exported they were named kiwi because they looked something the kiwi bird . In the late
1960s to the early 1970s kiwifruit exports increased quickly and they have become
increasingly popular that time .
The main thing to remember is that the word kiwi has different meanings . Don't get
mixed up .

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