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Really? How come?

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Encouraging people to talk.

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Really? How come?Versión en línea

Encouraging people to talk.

por MaNuel Btz

supermarket do come so kidding much you're getting working About regular

Stan - - I'm tired .
Yuki - - Really ? How ?
Stan - - Well , I'm two jobs this semester , so I'm up at , like , 5 : 30 to study .
Yuki - - You're ! Two jobs ? Wow .
Stan - - Yeah . Just for a couple of months . I'm working in a after class , and then
- - - - - I have my job at the restaurant till 11 : 00 .
Yuki - - Oh , that's late . So , what time you go to bed ?
Stan - - 1 : 00 . . . 1 : 30 .
Yuki - - Gosh . So only getting about four hours sleep ? That's not .

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