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Unit 7 Listening Vocabulary

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Unit 7 Listening Vocabulary Versión en línea

Complete the sentences.

por Şehriban Dündar

objects jewels search ancient peace missing hide find religion gold culture rules mystery century information history

1 . This website has a lot of about treasure hunting .
2 . Shintoism is one in Japan . Bhuddism is another .
3 . Does the museum have many for visitors , such as not eating or drinking ?
4 . After the war ended , there was for 50 years .
5 . I'm very interested in the early of Native American peoples .
6 . Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa early in the 16th .
7 . In modern , almost everything depends on computers .
8 . The Greeks were the most important civilization of their time .

1 . The in this ring are very beautiful .
2 . Did you know that is one of the most expensive metals in the world ?
3 . Have you seen my camera ? It's .
4 . I've lost my keys . Can you help me them ?
5 . Children enjoy games where they have to for treasure .
6 . Some of the in the museum are thousands of years old .
7 . We need to the cake or Justin will eat it all .
8 . No one knows what happened to the ship . It's a .

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