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A2.2 lesson 16

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Cooking equipment and cooking actions

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A2.2 lesson 16Versión en línea

Cooking equipment and cooking actions

por Sofiia Muzyka

bowl pie springform Mix chopped Preheat sprinkle whisk cored teaspoon sugar eggs apple cream cinnamon flour pie turn Place zest Coat yolks dry recipes sugar pinch beat butter grease

Alisha : Hey , Johanna ! It's Alisha .
Johanna : What happened ? Why are you calling your sister so late ?
Alisha : Sis , I really need your help . My school has a party tomorrow and everyone should cook something and bring in tomorrow . Could you please share your recipe with me ? I want to make it .
Johanna : Huh . So watching YouTube is not an option anymore ? All right , you got a pen and paper ?
Alisha : Yes .
Johanna : You'll need a pound of apples , , peeled and . A tablespoon of grated lemon . Ground and baking powder , a of each . Two cups of , a cup of , four large and a drizzle of melted butter to the pan .
Alisha : A pan ?
Johanna : Of course ! Good God , do I have to spell out everything for you ? Anyway . the oven to 180°C . You're sure you know how to on the oven ?
Alisha : Yes , sis , I have done this before .
Johanna : So , together flour , and baking powder . In a separate , egg whites with a of salt . the pan with , put in the apples , and them with cinnamon and lemon zest . egg whites with the ingredients , add egg , stir , and pour over the apples .
Alisha : What's next ?
Johanna : What do you think ? your pie into the oven . Take it out after an hour .
Alisha : And then - add some on top and serve ?
Johanna : Ideally . But in your case , call 535 - 55 - 35 .
Alisha : What's that ?
Johanna : Pizza delivery . You know , to make up for the you'll definitely burn .

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