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Language Use ex 2

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Edad recomendada: 12 años
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Revision TestVersión en línea

Language Use ex 2

por Georgina Calluso

yesterday next the At So always just ever never far moment tomorrow when

Dear friends ,
Hi ! How are you ? , I'm staying in New York . I arrived by plane . I was very scared because the plane was flying down , I heard a strange noise . Fortunately , nothing happened .
I have visited the Central Park and I will visit the Statue of Liberty ! Have you visited this city ? I have been here before and I think it is fabulous . I am going to be judge in a children's competition here weekend and I have met some free runners . They practise in parks and train hard . Sorry , I must stop writing because there is someone at the door . It might be them !
See you soon ,
Keit h

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