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El Salvador

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remember the story

por josue avelar

chicken sheep duck rabbit cow cat dog pig chicken

The and the were friends . They lived on a farm . They talked about many things . They talked about the cat . They thought the cat was dangerous . The looked at them a lot . They didn't trust the cat . " We must always keep our eyes open when the cat is around , " they both agreed . They talked about the . The dog was very friendly . The dog had lots of energy It barked a lot . It ran around a lot . They both liked the dog . They talked about the farmer . The farmer brought them food . The farmer took care of them . The farmer took care of all the animals . He fed the . He fed the . He fed the goat . He fed the . He fed the . They liked the farmer . He took good care of everyone . He was a nice man . " Farmers are good , " said the .

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