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I'd rather go blind

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Edad recomendada: 15 años
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I'd rather go blindVersión en línea

Complete the song

por Guadalupe Soto Reyes

just girl I'd would Than over go Sitting reflection see wanna deep Revealed rather

Something told me it was
When I saw you and her talking
Something down in my soul said , 'Cry , girl'
When I saw you and that walkin' out

Whoo , I rather , I would rather blind , boy
Than to see you walk away from me , child , no

Whoo , so you , I love you so much
That I don't watch you leave me , baby
Most of all , I just don't , I don't wanna be free , no

Whoo , whoo , I was just , I was just , I was just
here thinkin' of your kiss and your warm embrace , yeah
When the in the glass that I held to my lips now , baby
the tears that was on my face , yeah

Whoo , and baby , baby , I'd , I'd rather be blind , boy
to see you walk away , see you walk away from me , yeah
Whoo , baby , baby , baby , rather be blind boy
[ Fade out : ] Baby , baby , baby . . .

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