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Tutorial 1

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Edad recomendada: 21 años
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Fill-in Blank

Tutorial 1


revise information authority freedom Understand Boolean strategies parenthetical information information Understand appropriate terms intellectual

Develop , use , and search strategies : how to use a given type of information container in order to retrieve ( e . g . , index and table of contents in a book , an online catalog , etc . ) . Select search . Develop a search strategy for the topic appropriate to a given finding tool . how to use operators . Revise search when too few , too many , or irrelevant results are returned .

Evaluate sources and Recognize bias : Differentiate between fact and opinion . Determine the accuracy , , coverage , currency , and relevancy of and / or information sources .

Recognize how to use information responsibly , ethically , and legally : Recognize how to paraphrase correctly . Understand the concept of intellectual property ( especially copyright , fair use , and plagiarism ) . Understand the concept of . Create bibliographies and citations according to an style manual .