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Online love

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Listen again to the conversation and complete the missing verbs.

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Online loveVersión en línea

Listen again to the conversation and complete the missing verbs.

por Sofia Castellano

like live have love do meet drink like like like live

S : Hi ! Are you Kevin ?
K : Yes . Are you Samantha ?
S : Yes , I am , but call me Sam . Nice to you . Sorry , I'm late .
K : No problem . You look different from your photo .
S : Let's a drink . A beer ? Wine ?
K : No , thanks . Water for me . I don't alcohol at lunchtime .

K : I this place .
S : Me too . Where do you in South London ?
K : In Bromley . Near the market . I with my mother .
S : Really ? What do you ?
K : I'm a teacher . I teach chemistry .
S : Chemistry ? How interesting .
K : Yes . it's a very interesting job . What about you ?
S : I'm a journalist . You the cinema , Kevin . What kind of films do you ?
K : Science - fiction films . I Star Wars .
S : Oh .
K : Do you Star Wars ?

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