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The Story of Ruth

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The story of Ruth activity!

Pick the word that best fits the sentence that talks about the story of Ruth.

Click on the word that fills the blanks spot in the order the blank spaces appear
(Ruth 1-4)

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Edad recomendada: 10 años
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The Story of RuthVersión en línea

The story of Ruth activity! Pick the word that best fits the sentence that talks about the story of Ruth. Click on the word that fills the blanks spot in the order the blank spaces appear (Ruth 1-4)

por Rebekah B

Ruth people joy salvation field redeemers people go Jesus cross redeemer sins redeems god Boaz went dying marry bitter God home Naomi child

and were both widows , Naomi lost her husband and both sons . Because of this she changed her name to Mara , which means . After her husband and sons died she told her daughter in laws to go . Ruth told her that wherever Naomi she'd , Naomi's would be her , and Naomi's would be her .

They went to Bethlehem and Ruth gathered grain for them to eat . There , saw her and praised her for being loyal , to Naomi . Boaz made sure Ruth was taken care for . When Ruth came home with a lot more than usual , Naomi asked whose she went to . Ruth told her that it was Boaz's and Naomi was very happy because he was one of their family .

Naomi tells Ruth to go to Boaz and ask him to be her . She went and Boaz accepted but there was one person who had first pick . He talked to the other man , and when he found out he'd have to Ruth he let Boaz be the redeemer instead .

Boaz redeems Ruth and marries her . Later they have a that brings great to Naomi .

The story of Ruth tells us about how would be with us . Boaz redeemed Ruth and Jesus us . He does that through the that comes from Jesus on the for our , and bringing us back into the family of God .

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