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Edad recomendada: 12 años
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To read the text and complete in each blank sapce.

por Ilda Ayala

friends student movie beliefs cool I friends school person It Christian night God their She favorite principal students kid night love

My favorite .
It would have to be " A Walk to Remember . " was about an outwardly plain girl named Jamie , and Landon , an aimless , reckless guy who breezed through school on looks and popularity . liked this movie for many reasons . The main character , Jamie was not afraid of letting people know that her faith was the most important part of her life . That was very impressive to me . This movie also showed that it is possible for people to change ways . Most of all it was a story and that is my kind of movie .
Jamie was true to her even though it was not . was as far from cool as she could possibly be , but she didn't care . She was ridiculed all the time by other . Her beliefs may have costed her some but she believed in and that didn't change . She was very involved in , with school plays and tutoring .
The movie shows that it is possible for people to change . One Landon was involved in a prank that landed one in the hospital . As punishment Landon had to tutor a young at school and participate in the Drama Club's Spring play , two activities the hopes will teach him some humility . That led him into close contact with Jamie . He then had to ask her for help with his lines in the play . Jamie was the last Landon was likely to fall for . But , against Landons own expectations , Landon finds himself falling in love with Jamie , who possesses a passion for life he never imagined possible . After the two become involved Landon didn't care what his thought and being popular wasn't important to him anymore . Landon even stood up to her dad , who was against Jamie even helping Landon out with his lines in the school play , and asked Jamie's dad if he could take her out to dinner one .

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