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Reach up 2

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Edad recomendada: 17 años
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Review 3Versión en línea

Reach up 2

por Núria Martínez

like major high never if global been built danger faces level where drier wildlife rise could flooding compared survive be everywhere unless average warming

Many parts of London will be under water by 2060 , if nothing is done to protect them .

London on the Thames , yes ; but London in the Sea ? No thank you ! Yet this happen before 2060 , steps are taken quite quickly , to prevent it .
As a result of , the sea around the south east corner of England is expected to by 54 cms in just half a century ! And scientists now say that many parts of London will be at serious risk from by the sea within 50 years .
It's not all of London that is in ; just some parts to the east of the city . And they won't be under water all the time ; just when there are very tides .
The low - lying suburbs beside the Thames in the East End of London are already protected from high tides by a massive barrier that stretches right across the river ; but more defences will needed along the banks of the Thames to protect a larger area to the north of the river , and further east . And no - one really knows the existing Thames Barrier will still be enough to protect London , even in 2050 .
The Thames barrier was opened in 1982 . During the first ten years of its life , it was closed , on , just once a year . Some years it was closed at all .
Other towns and low lying areas in the east of England are facing similar problems ; and it will take a lot of time , and cost a lot of money , to protect them .
London floods
Of course , there have always occasional very high tides . A thousand years ago , there were big floods around London ; and in 1953 , before the Thames Barrier was , over 300 people lost their lives in " the big flood " ; but today the dangers are bigger . There are more people , more roads , more infrastructure . In the past , people did not build in places there was a risk of flooding . Today , in southeast England , land is so expensive , that people build ? even in places that are liable to be flooded .
Scientists also say that global warming will lead to warmer and summers in the south east of England . This will cause changes in vegetation , and several species of native will not be able to . Wet in winter , hot in summer : will that be London in fifty years' time ?
London big problems in the next fifty years ; but London is a rich city , which can pay to build the protections that will be needed . London's difficulties will be very small , to the problems that will be faced in some of the world's poorer counties , Bangla Desh .

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