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BG1_02 Feb 2021

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Adjective with To Infinitive and That Clause

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Edad recomendada: 15 años
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BG1_02 Feb 2021Versión en línea

Adjective with To Infinitive and That Clause

por Cuc Tran Hoang

sorry content happy anxious proud delighted stunned hesitant pleased glad sad shocked lucky ready prepared

1 . She was very to go back there after what had happened .
2 . I'm to have to say this , but we're going to have to let you go .
3 . He's rather to find out what's happening tomorrow .
4 . I was really to see her again after all those years .
5 . She was to hear the news of his death . He was so young !
6 . I was only to have been some help .
7 . I was to hear about old Uncle Jack , but it wasn't really a surprise .
8 . We were quite to just lie on the beach and sunbathe .
9 . He was to hear she had turned him down . And him being such a catch !
10 . He was to learn that he had been promoted .
11 . I'm to be able to give you the good news that you've all passed .
12 . I was so to get this job , it's really great .
13 . She's really to be the mother of such a successful young man .
14 . Is everybody to go ? The bus is waiting outside .
15 . You messed this one up , but I'm to give you one more chance .

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