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Introductions - Questions

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Introductions - QuestionsVersión en línea

Fill in with a suitable question / answer

por Estefania Echeverry Sabas

What Really are to I Thanks for How about you what Nice your you work I'm with time And meet old years

- Good afternoon ! ?
- Hi , I'm fine , thanks .
- So tell me , is your name ?
- My name is Susanne . ?
- you Susanne , I'm Johanna . How are you ?
- 30 old .
- Great Susanne , and what's your job ?
- I work as a lawyer for the bureau . . . you ?
- I am a professor , but in my free time I am a firefighter haha . the New York Fire Department .
- ? that sounds amazing !
- Well it was nice meeting you , but I gotta go .
- Ok , nice meeting you too . !

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