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EF Advanced "Take" expressions

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Fill in the gaps with the appropriate phrase.

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EF Advanced "Take" expressionsVersión en línea

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate phrase.

por Gulzhan Mam

take taken pity time me up on Take taken take takes taken took no into take place Take to account care notice advantage against

1 . My neighbour of my son while I am at works .
2 . You should of this job . It's a great opportunity .
3 . The concert will on March 6th .
4 . You don't need to hurry . your .
5 . As regards evaluation , coursework is , as well as exam result .
6 . of my brother . He's just being annoying .
7 . The dog looked so hungry , that I him , and gave it some of my food .
8 . I'd love to snowboarding - it seems very exciting .
9 . My boyfriend's little sister has really - she always wants to play with me .
10 . I don't know why my mum has suddenly our neighbours . She always used to like them .

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