The
United
Nations
.
The
Universal
Declaration
of
Human
Rights
is
a
document
in
the
history
of
human
rights
.
.
In
this
document
,
of
the
peoples
of
the
United
Nations
have
reaffirmed
their
faith
in
human
rights
,
in
the
dignity
and
worth
of
the
human
person
and
in
the
equal
rights
of
men
and
women
.
.
In
addition
,
all
Member
States
have
pledged
themselves
to
achieve
,
in
cooperation
with
the
United
Nations
,
the
promotion
of
universal
for
and
observance
of
human
rights
and
fundamental
freedoms
and
it
is
pointed
out
that
a
common
of
these
rights
and
freedoms
is
of
the
greatest
importance
for
the
full
realization
of
this
pledge
.
.
Therefore
,
the
General
Assembly
,
proclaims
the
Universal
Declaration
of
Human
Rights
as
a
common
standard
of
for
all
peoples
and
all
nations
,
to
the
end
that
every
individual
and
every
organ
of
society
,
keeping
this
Declaration
constantly
in
mind
,
shall
strive
by
teaching
and
education
to
promote
respect
for
these
rights
and
and
by
progressive
measures
,
national
and
,
to
secure
their
universal
and
effective
recognition
and
observance
,
both
among
the
peoples
of
Member
States
themselves
and
among
the
peoples
of
territories
under
their
jurisdiction
.
Article
All
human
beings
are
born
free
and
equal
in
and
rights
.
They
are
with
and
conscience
and
should
act
towards
one
another
in
a
spirit
of
.
Article
Everyone
is
to
all
the
rights
and
freedoms
set
forth
in
this
Declaration
,
without
of
any
kind
,
such
as
race
,
colour
,
sex
,
language
,
,
political
or
other
opinion
,
national
or
social
origin
,
property
,
birth
or
other
status
.
Furthermore
,
no
distinction
shall
be
made
on
the
basis
of
the
political
,
jurisdictional
or
international
status
of
the
country
or
territory
to
which
a
person
belongs
,
whether
it
be
independent
,
trust
,
non
-
self
-
governing
or
under
any
other
of
sovereignty
.
Article
Everyone
has
the
right
to
life
,
liberty
and
the
of
person
.
Article
No
one
shall
be
held
in
slavery
or
servitude
;
and
the
slave
trade
shall
be
in
all
their
forms
.
Article
No
one
shall
be
to
torture
or
to
cruel
,
inhuman
or
degrading
treatment
or
punishment
.
Extracts
abridged
from
the
United
Nations
Universal
Declaration
of
Human
Right
s