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loyal brave true

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Listening comprehension of Mulan song

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Edad recomendada: 12 años
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loyal brave trueVersión en línea

Listening comprehension of Mulan song

por Marisa Frattaroli

easy loyal fool brave myself lose warrior loyal true true freedom cruel kindest clearer brave bravery

War is not
Over my shoulder
I see a view
All for my family
Reason I'm breathing
Everything to
Should I ask myself in the water
What a would do ?
Tell me , underneath my armor
Am I , brave and ?
Am I loyal , and true ?
Losing is
Winning takes
I am a tiger's
Out in the open
No one to save me
The of whispers are
Should I ask in the water
What a warrior would do ?
Tell me , underneath my armor
Am I , brave and ?
Am I loyal , and true ?
Cold is the morning ?

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