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AMC 12-U12 reading

por Clara Chen

and accessory sacrifices glee wealth known luxurious Though financially distressed comparison While physical rifling reveals genuinely desperately despite stunned ornamental deserves lessen

It is Christmas Eve , and a young woman named Della sits in her small apartment , counting money . She's to find that she has hardly a cent to her name , saving for months . Della's been hoping to buy a fine Christmas gift for her husband , Jim , but can't afford much of anything .
Suddenly , she's hit with an idea . Out of everything she owns , Della is most proud of her , knee - length brown hair . Yet she decides right then and there to sacrifice it so she can get Jim a worthy gift . She rushes out and sells her hair to Madame Sofronie , a wigmaker . Della wastes no time through the stores for a suitable gift . Soon , she discovers a treasure that could've been made specifically for Jim : a brilliant platinum watch chain . It's the perfect for Jim's dazzling gold watch , his most prized possession . Della spends all the money she has on the chain and takes it home with .
That evening , when Jim returns from work , he is to find Della has sold her hair . But then , he embraces her tenderly and tells her he loves her all the same . He then gives Della a set of hair combs that she's been coveting for a long time ? but now she can't use them ! Then , when Della the watch chain , Jim tells her he sold his gold watch to buy the combs . He smiles and suggests they put the gifts aside for now . The story ends with the author comparing the wisdom of the couple's loving with the wisdom of the biblical Magi , who gave their finest gifts to baby Jesus at his birth .

" The Gift of the Magi " is only a short story , it has become a classic among Christmas tales . The story was written in 1905 by author William Sydney Porter , best by his pen name O . Henry . An American short story master , O . Henry wrote witty stories with playful twist endings , often making use of comic irony . Other such examples can be found in his stories " The Ransom of Red Chief , " " The Cop the Anthem , " and " A Retrieved Reformation . "
" The Gift of the Magi " does have what could be considered a comic ending , it nevertheless communicates an important message about love and self - sacrifice . Despite their strained circumstances , Della doesn't resent or blame her husband for their poverty . Instead , she thinks highly of Jim , who she believes a very fine gift , and also resolves to save money on her own . Jim also loves Della , which shows in his reaction to her cutting off her hair . Though she worries he won't think she's pretty anymore , he tells her that no haircut could his love for her .
Another idea running through the story is the value of versus happiness . While Della and Jim don't have much , they're willing to give up what they do have in order to honor each other . After discovering that their gifts cancel each other out , they recognize that their relationship is worth more to them than the things they own . The of the couple to the Magi in the end refers not to the gifts they've bought , but to the way they give of themselves and affirm what they mean to each other .

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