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The Well p.3

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Edad recomendada: 11 años
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The Well p.3Versión en línea

Complete the gaps

por Oksana Koval

dog magic early highway sausage gives dust cure checkpoint bottle lunch soldier bridge hot Bring talks dangerous sick friendly house farm

The next morning , Lia and Jay get up . Lia puts some bread and a in her bag . She puts a of water in the bag too . Jay and Lia are on the . The air is . The air is full of . At the , Lia and Jay meet a . He talks to them . The volcano isn't today . ? We're going to our grandmother's . ' ? She's . She wants water from the well . It will her sickness . ' ? You're going to get some water ? me some too . ' Lia and Jay stop next to a . They eat their . There is a small next to the bridge . A woman lives there . She to Jay and Lia . She has a small . It is a small , red dog . Jay the dog some sausage .

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