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Upper intermediate activitie with the word "thing"

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Edad recomendada: 15 años
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Upper intermediate activitie with the word "thing"

Olga M Martinez

led those a a the pas had one thing the in thing another one to thing good for thing things about of one a of thing thing

1 . It's I can take time off work because it means I can travel to away matches .

2 I really don't like travelling by train . There's no real reason , I guess it's just

3 To start with I just worked 9 to 5 , but then and now I'm doing more than ten hours overtime a week .

4 I really can't understand how 1970s fashion got to be again . It's horrible !
5 I never go jogging . I think it's really boring , and it's supposed to be really bad for you knees

6 I've always butterflies - I've loved them since I was a child .

7 When I was younger I used to love rugby , but 1 completely lost interest and now it's