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Passive voice (3)

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Passive voice (3)

Read and complete the following texts.

Ma. Guadalupe Torres Pelcastre

roasted turned melted put heated mixed shaken frozen reduced removed emptied sold picked added put packed covered placed are is are

Now , Make Popcorn !

Popcorn is something you often eat when you watch a movie at a cinema . It is very easy to make perfect popcorn if you follow the correct process . I will outline it below .
The first step is that three tablespoons of oil in a large pot . Next , the pot on the stove and the oil is on a high flame . Next , one kernel of popcorn is . After this kernel pops , a quarter cup of popcorn is into the pot . The pot is with a lid . In the next stage , the flame is and the pot is gently until the corn pops . Then the pot is from the stove , which is off . Finally , the popcorn is into a large bowl , where butter and salt are added .
In summary , making popcorn is very easy if you follow the steps above . Enjoy your movie and your popcorn !

Want Coffee ?

Coffee is a very popular drink around the world . People drink it at all times of the day . There are several kinds of coffee , but I am now going to describe how instant coffee is produced .
First , the coffee beans are from the trees and dried in the sun . Then , the beans and then cooled rapidly before being ground . The beans are then with hot water and the mixture is strained before it is . Finally , the frozen mixture is ground and then dried in a vacuum before it is into jars . The coffee is now ready to be in shops .
Instant coffee is not quite as good as real coffee , but it is very popular and saves a lot of time . The manufacturers have done most of the steps for us !